[SK] Tak ono to prišlo. Ten deň, keď som si konečne išla užiť môj darček, čo som dostala na 30ku, Wolves workshop. Dva dni pred cestou som mala cestovnú horúčku, nič som poriadne nevedela zjesť. Bola som nervózna a zároveň nadšená. To je tak, keď na niečo čakáš rok a pól. A stále je to ďaleko, niekde v budúcnosti, neisté kvôli celkovej situácii. A konečne príde ten deň.
V nedeľu nad ránom som šla na autobus na letisko do Viedne. Tam som stretla prvého spoluúčastníka na workshope, Lukasa Leonteho. Išli sme tým istým letom. Dorazili sme na Lanzarote a v kaviarni sme sa pridali k ostatným, ktorí už prileteli skôr. Čakali sme ešte na ďaľších a kecali. Hm. Asi nebudem dopodrobna rozpisovať každý deň, že čo sme robili, lebo by som tu toho zapísala ozaj veľa 😅 .
Tak to dáme v skratke. Prvý večer sme mali uvítaciu party s večerou. Hneď sme veľa tancovali a rozprávali sa. Na druhý deň, v pondelok sme mali doobeda masterclass so skvelým fotografom Danym @peopleproduccio (Toto slovné spojenie budem používať veľmi často, lebo každý jeden fotograf/ka, čo nám prednášal alebo učil bol jedinečný a skvelý. A aj každý jeden učastník. Myslím, že úplne od každého by som sa vedela naučiť nové veci.) Každé poobedie sme boli rozdelení na dve skupiny a išli sme fotiť. Jedna skupina fotila pod vedením @peopleprodducio a druhá pod vedením fotografa @bringmesomewherenice. Na druhý deň mal potom prednášku on a poobede sa fotiace skupiny vymenili.
Prvá masterclass pod vedením Danyho bola skvelá, zapísala som si poznámky na 4 strany. Bolo to presne to čo som potrebovala počuť a doplniť do mojej tvorby. Po tomto prvom dni som bola ohromená a nevedela som sa dočkať ďalších dní a toho, čo sa naučím od nasledujúcich hostí.
Večer sme mali ďalšiu prezentáciu, respektíve cvičenie s fotografom Don Bringas, kde sme vytvárali vlastné príbehy a snažili sa vzájomne precítiť naše intenzívne spomienky.
Druhý deň sme mali teda prednášku s druhým Danym, @bringmesomewherenice. Od neho som sa toho tiež neskutočne naučila a bolo mi veľmi blízke akým spôsobom fotí a ako dokázal dať do svadobnej fotografie high fashion štýl. Hneď po masterclass sme sa presúvali na fotiacu lokalitu loďou, kde sme mali spoločný obed – pre španielsko typickú Paelu. A potom sme skákali z lode do oceánu. Och, bála som sa, ale bolo to vzrušujúce. Po tomto zážitku sme teda išli fotiť na blízku pláž.
Poviem vám, za tieto dva dni som načerpala veľa nových informácií, ale aj vecí a poznatkov, čo som už vedela a aj som to zvykla robiť, ale je dobré si to pripomenúť a nezabúdať na to. Obaja ma neskutočne inšpirovali a ešte si budem študovať poznámky a snažiť sa mnohé veci implementovať do mojej práce a tvorby, samozrejme po svojom.
V stredu sme mali voľný deň, ktorý mnohí z nás využili na fotenie seba sa navzájom. Ja som nemala veľmi chuť stáť pred objektívom, skôr som tam šla ako taký pozorovateľ robiť nejaké backstage momentky ale nakoniec ma Vanessa presvedčila a nafotila mi krásne fotky. (Uvidíte nižšie)
Inak každý večer sme mali bonfire night, kde zase iní fotografi prezentovali svoju tvorbu a potom sme mali vždy párty. Tak sme sa mohli slobodne socializovať. A po veľmi dlhom čase sme sa skvele vytancovali. (Teda aspoň ja 😀)
Štvrtok sme mali masterclass s Juanlo Rojano, ktorý veľmi otvorene hovoril aj o svojich chybách a ako sa z nich poučil. Tiež som sa s tým vedela dobre stotožniť. Poobede sme išli fotiť na inú odľahlú pláž, kam sme sa presúvali na džípoch, čo bol super. Pláž bola neskutočne krásna, tyrkysový oceán a zlatý piesok. No proste sen. Jediné, čo nebolo úplne podľa predstáv, bolo počasie. Mali sme pod mrakom a jemne mrholilo. Ale bola to príjemná zmena. Fotili sme teda na pláži aj na skalách.
V piatok, posledný workshopový deň sme mali masterclass s neskutočnou Annou Ohh.ginger. Jej spôsob fotenia mi bol asi najbližší, keďže sa tiež snaží na fotkach zachytiť fotopríbeh danej situácie. Poobede sme fotili na pláži, ktorá bola hneď pri našich apartmánoch a mali sme veľmi zaujímavé počasie. Svietilo slniečko a v diaľke boli veľké búrkové mraky. V toto fotenie som robila viac videí. 😀
Večer sme mali poslednú rozlúčkovú párty, kde sme mohli vyhrať aj nejaké ceny. Ako inak sme veľa tancovali, rozprávali sa, popíjali, opäť tancovali, niektorí sa dali aj tetovať. Och. Hneď by som sa tam vrátila. Bol to zážitok na celý život. Verím, že niektorý z najbližších ročníkov sa mi to podarí a prídem na Wolves workshop opäť. Ak ste svadobný fotograf a chcete sa nakopnúť, získať nové inšpirácie ale najmä spoznať skvelých ľudí a nájsť nových priateľov, všetkými desiatimi vám odporúčam tento workshop.
Tento môj stručný popis ukončím obľúbenou frázou THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIFE!
A takisto ďakujem mojim priateľom, za tento skvelý darček.
[ENG] So it has come. The day when I finally went to enjoy my present I got for my 30th birthday, the Wolves workshop. Two days before the trip I had travel fever, I couldn’t eat anything properly. I was nervous and excited at the same time. That’s what happens when you wait a year and a half for something and it’s still far away, somewhere in the future, uncertain because of the overall situation. And finally the day has come.
Sunday morning I took the bus to the airport to Vienna. There I met my first fellow participant in the workshop, Lukas Leonte. We were on the same flight. We arrived in Lanzarote and in a café we joined the others who had flown in earlier. We waited for more and chatted. Hm. I’m probably not going to detail every day, what we did, because I it would be a long article 😅 .
So let’s keep it short. The first evening we had a welcome party with dinner. We danced and talked a lot. The next day, Monday, we had a morning masterclass with the great photographer Dany @peopleproduccio (I’ll be using this phrase a lot because every single photographer who gave us a lecture or taught us was unique and great. And every single participant as well. I think I could learn new things from absolutely everyone.) Every afternoon we were split into two groups and went out to shoot. One group took photos under the guidance of @peopleprodducio and the other under the guidance of photographer @bringmesomewherenice. Then the next day he did a lecture and in the afternoon the photography groups switched.
The first masterclass led by Dany was great, I wrote down notes on 4 pages. It was exactly what I needed to hear and add to my work. After that first day, I was amazed and couldn’t wait for the next days, what I would learn from the next guests.
In the evening we had another presentation or exercise with photographer Don Bringas where we created our own stories and tried to feel each other’s intense memories.
Then the next day we had a talk with the other Dany, @bringmesomewherenice. I also learned an incredible amount from him and was very close to the way he photographs and how he was able to put a high fashion style into his wedding photography. Right after the masterclass, we were transferred to the shooting location by boat where we had lunch together – a typical Paella for Spain. And then we jumped off the boat into the ocean. Oh, I was scared, but it was exciting. So after that experience, we went to a nearby beach to take pictures.
Let me tell you, I picked up a lot of new information in those two days, but also things and knowledge that I already knew and also used to do, but it’s good to remind myself and not forget it. Both of them have inspired me incredibly and I will still study my notes and try to implement many things in my work and creation, of course in my own way.
On Wednesday we had a free day, which many of us used to take photos of each other. I didn’t really feel like standing in front of the lens, rather I went there as a kind of observer to take some backstage snapshots but in the end Vanessa convinced me and took some beautiful photos. (You will see below)
Otherwise every night we had a bonfire night where again different photographers ( Javier Abad, Lukas Leonte, papa wolf Pablo Beglez ) presented their work and then we always had a party afterwards. So we were free to socialize. And after a very long time we had a great dance. (At least I did 😀 )
Thursday we had a masterclass with Juanlo Rojano, who also talked very openly about his mistakes and how he learned from them. I was able to relate well to that too. In the afternoon, we went to another isolated beach to take photos, which was cool to get there on jeeps. The beach was incredibly beautiful – turquoise ocean and golden sand. Well just a dream. The only thing that wasn’t quite to our expectations was the weather. We were under a cloud and it was drizzling gently. But it was a nice change. So we took pictures on the beach and on the rocks.
On Friday, the last workshop day, we had a masterclass with the incredible Anna Ohh.ginger. Her way of taking photos was probably the closest to me, as she also tries to capture the photo story of a moment in the photos. In the afternoon, we took photos on the beach which was right next to our apartments and we had very interesting weather. The sun was shining and there were big storm clouds in the distance. I took more videos during this photo shoot. 😀
In the evening we had one last farewell party where we could win some prizes. As otherwise we danced a lot, talked, drank, danced again, some even got tattoos. Oh. I’d go back there in a second. It was an experience of a lifetime. I hope I’ll make it to one of the next years of Wolves workshop again. If you are a wedding photographer and want to recharge, get new inspiration but most importantly meet great people and make new friends, I recommend this workshop with all my heart.
I will end this short description with my favorite phrase from workshop THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIFE!
And also thanks to my friends, for this awesome gift. ♥️